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Novi Sad Fair - Fair of Tourism Stojic, Vladislav Novi Sad, Serbia
TIM-COP d.o.o. Sljuka, Mijodrag Temerin, Serbia
Construction IndustryDual EducationR&DEnergy efficiencyWater ProtectionBuilding Quality AssessmentICT
Plavsa & Plavsa doo-IP Office Plavsa, Ilija Belgrade, SerbiaIntellectual property-patents, trademarks, design protection in Serbia and all over the world from 1989 year!
Plavsa & Plavsa d.o.o., patentna kancelarija Brkić, Željka Beograd, Serbia
La Lu Co Doo Bulajic, Zoran Novi Sad, Serbia
AGROPORTAL Bajsanski, Jasna Novi Sad 21000, Serbia
EEN Srbija Mušicki, Milica Novi Sad, Serbia
Dumon doo Dujovic, Jovan Novi Sad, Serbia
МОДУЛАТОР ДОО Драшковић, Велимир Novi Sad, Serbia
D.O.O. Ister Commerce Jovanović, Nikola Novi Sad, Serbia
C.A.R.P. doo Galešev, Marko Novi Sad, SerbiaSTAS picture hanging systems and cashier barriers
FOODhigh-quality and manual production of original recipewith no additivesinterested in finding distributors of healthy and delicatessen food
- Offer Finding distributors of healthy and delicatessen food
foodhigh-quality and manual production of original recipefinding distributors of healthy and delicatessen food
TERMOVENT SC d.o.o. Crnogorac, Aleksandar Temerin, Serbia
Vojvodina Develoment Agency Planić, Živko Novi Sad, Serbia
Atos pbs doo Golijanin, Bojan Beograd, Serbia
Winery Aleksic Janjic, Dragana vranje, Serbia
ZZ Ratar Mihajlović, Nikola Kukujevci, Serbia