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University of Split Bejo, Nikola Expert Associate Split, Croatia
EUVITA Cluster Novak, Zvonimir President of the Board Varaždin, CroatiaNorthwestern-eastern Croatia (continental Croatia ) Nordwesten- östlichen Kroatien (Continental Kroatien) Sjeverozapadna-istočna Hrvatska (kontinentalna Hrvatska ) Regionalni i Ruralni razvoj*Internacionalna kooperacija i partnerstvo*Razvoj poduzetništva i konkurentnost * EU Programi i Fondovi*Bioekonomija * Zelena energija *Inovacijski management *Program zdrave prehrane* Izvoz Regional and Rural development*entrepreneurship International cooperation and partnership*EU Programs and Funds *Bioeconomy * Green energy*Innovation management* Program of healthy nutrition *Export
Multilingual ATS with online psychological testing and video interviews. Remote assessment and proctoring of candidates regardless of their location. Onboarding process allows you to automate the adjustment of all new employees, their mentors and all departments. In line with GDPR.ATSonline psychological testingonline video interviewsonboardingremote assessmenttesting without bordersMultilingual ATS
Platforma 22 doo Bumbak, Matija Sibenik, Croatia
Stratex Ivancic, Valentina Novigrad, Croatia
RIS d.o.o. Kreso, Marina Marketing manager Kastav, CroatiaThe love affair with the ICT company was accidental but fatal. After experience in large marketing agencies, the transition to marketing office for business solutions was the best decision and big challenge. We have great software that works so well in practice! I want to show them to the world!ICTprocurementpartnermarketing
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Grgurić LLC Grguric, Ivo Delnice, Croatia
Synergasia consulting za poslovno savjetovanje Vrancic, Marijana Rijeka, Croatia